Let’s help +100K children together

We have the opportunity to help 100,000+ children from Ukraine.
But we can't do it without your help. Check how you can support our efforts. It will be easier for us together!


Your support will help us reach the foundation’s goal. Join us in this effort!

Who we are

The OGDM – ‘Od Granicy Do Mieszkania’ / ‘From the Border to the Flat’- foundation was founded with the mission to ‘help children and refugees from war territories’ in Ukraine. The vision is to become a global advisory that can tackle crises emerging globally. We began on the first day of the Ukraine invasion as a group of friends with a mission to organise transportation and accommodation for people crossing the border and sending large amounts of humanitarian supplies into Ukraine.

In four weeks time we have grown into an NGO (international non-profit) of over 1,200 volunteers providing various services:

  1. Free transports of people from the Polish borders and Ukraine
  2. Finding flats for refugees in Poland
  3. Cargo of accredited supplies
  4. Operational improvement of border crossing and reception points

We’ve already helped

+ 0 k






Free transport for


Ukrainians from the border

Rescued over


People from Ukraine

shipped 675 tonnes of humanitarian aid
Secured over 3,000 flats all over Poland
Linked 12,000 people offering their flats

Our goal is to save

100,000 Kids

Initial Impact


Free transport


Free housing


Cargo of accredited supplies

Tens of tons shipped via trucks, busses and cars:


Accredited medical equipement

Ns bolus, Nicardipine, Kenalog, Naloxone, IV Dopamine, Sodium bicarbonate, IV ciprofloxacin, IV levofloxacin, IV acetaminophen, Lidocaine, Epinephrine, Vasopressin, Lovenox, Adenosine, Heparin


Operational Excellece


Global Partnership

How can you get involved

The invasion has just started and we are hoping that the war will be over in the coming days. Unfortunately, the lives of millions of Ukrainians has changed for life. We are looking for short-term and long-term volunteers that can support our humanitarian aid mission. In the coming days we are going to share the official donation channels available to the global audience.

Our Projects


Hasło ostatnich miesięcy brzmiało “Każdy pomaga jak może”. Cały czas jednak mamy świadomość, że ta szeroko rozumiana pomoc jeszcze się nie skończyła, wręcz przeciwnie, dopiero się zaczyna…

Rock for Ukraine

We work with Brian Allen who created “Rock for Ukraine” project.

Brian wrote the song “Stand up for” and, with his friends, conducts music workshops for children and teenagers


We help refugees from Ukraine to change their place of stay in Poland and Europe. We cooperate with non-governmental and governmental organizations as well as companies for refugees.